2017 September 6
We are conducting our first test run with the beta system and have some preliminary results. A total of 158 Students from the BerkeleyX Ruby online course on EdX accessed our website for the experiment. From 88 (~55%) of these students started the challenge, 14 (9%) submitted a solution, and 12 (8%) solutions were correct (solved the challenge), 6 (5%) Students submitted a solution for the second challenge and were invited for the paid group assignment. Given the high dropout rates in online courses in general these numbers are expectable.
A screenshot of the Ruby course at edX with the Mooqita integration.
The quality of assignments as well as quality of the peer reviews is outstanding. The average rating on reviews is 4.6 out of 5. At the moment 2 students (from Brazil and China) are interviewing at a company in Berkeley. While all 6 students who solved the final challenge are now working on implementing a theorized test method for an AI that interprets natural language. The work of our students is based on a scientific paper published by Google in 2011. Our students will be supervised by the first Author of the paper.